FTXUI  5.0.0
C++ functional terminal UI.
// Copyright 2020 Arthur Sonzogni. All rights reserved.
// Use of this source code is governed by the MIT license that can be found in
// the LICENSE file.
#include <chrono> // for operator""s, chrono_literals
#include <ftxui/dom/elements.hpp> // for text, gauge, operator|, flex, hbox, Element
#include <ftxui/screen/screen.hpp> // for Screen
#include <iostream> // for cout, endl, ostream
#include <string> // for allocator, char_traits, operator+, operator<<, string, to_string, basic_string
#include <thread> // for sleep_for
#include "ftxui/dom/node.hpp" // for Render
#include "ftxui/screen/color.hpp" // for ftxui
int main() {
using namespace ftxui;
using namespace std::chrono_literals;
std::string reset_position;
for (float percentage = 0.0f; percentage <= 1.0f; percentage += 0.002f) {
std::string data_downloaded =
std::to_string(int(percentage * 5000)) + "/5000";
auto document = hbox({
gauge(percentage) | flex,
text(" " + data_downloaded),
auto screen = Screen(100, 1);
Render(screen, document);
std::cout << reset_position;
reset_position = screen.ResetPosition();
std::cout << std::endl;
Element flex(Element)
Make a child element to expand proportionnally to the space left in a container.
Definition: flex.cpp:123
Element hbox(Elements)
A container displaying elements horizontally one by one.
Definition: hbox.cpp:83
std::string to_string(const std::wstring &s)
Convert a UTF8 std::string into a std::wstring.
Definition: string.cpp:1565
Element text(std::wstring text)
Display a piece of unicode text.
Definition: text.cpp:119
void Render(Screen &screen, const Element &element)
Display an element on a ftxui::Screen.
Definition: node.cpp:47
Element gauge(float progress)
Draw a high definition progress bar.
Definition: gauge.cpp:293