AlignContent align_content
@ FlexStart
items are placed at the start of the cross axis.
@ Column
Flex items are laid out in a column.
@ Row
Flex items are laid out in a row.
@ RowInversed
Flex items are laid out in a row, but in reverse order.
@ NoWrap
Flex items will all try to fit onto one line.
@ Wrap
Flex items will wrap onto multiple lines.
@ FlexStart
items are placed at the start of the cross axis.
FlexboxConfig & SetGap(int gap_x, int gap_y)
Set the flexbox flex direction.
JustifyContent justify_content
@ Center
Items are centered along the line.
@ FlexStart
Items are aligned to the start of flexbox's direction.
@ FlexEnd
Items are aligned to the end of flexbox's direction.
@ SpaceBetween
Items are evenly distributed in the line; first item is on the start.
@ Stretch
Items are stretched to fill the line.
FlexboxConfig & Set(FlexboxConfig::Direction)
Set the flexbox direction.