39 explicit Table(std::vector<std::vector<std::string>>);
40 explicit Table(std::vector<std::vector<Element>>);
41 Table(std::initializer_list<std::vector<std::string>>
55 void Initialize(std::vector<std::vector<Element>>);
57 std::vector<std::vector<Element>> elements_;
void DecorateAlternateColumn(Decorator, int modulo=2, int shift=0)
Apply the decorator to the selection. This decorate only the lines modulo modulo with a shift of shif...
void SeparatorVertical(BorderStyle border=LIGHT)
Draw some vertical separator lines in the selection.
void DecorateCells(Decorator)
Apply the decorator to the selection.
void BorderLeft(BorderStyle border=LIGHT)
Draw some separator lines to the left side of the selection.
void DecorateCellsAlternateColumn(Decorator, int modulo=2, int shift=0)
Apply the decorator to the selection. This decorate only the corners modulo modulo with a shift of sh...
void Decorate(Decorator)
Apply the decorator to the selection. This decorate both the cells, the lines and the corners.
void DecorateAlternateRow(Decorator, int modulo=2, int shift=0)
Apply the decorator to the selection. This decorate only the lines modulo modulo with a shift of shif...
void BorderTop(BorderStyle border=LIGHT)
Draw some separator lines to the top side of the selection.
void Separator(BorderStyle border=LIGHT)
Draw some separator lines in the selection.
void BorderBottom(BorderStyle border=LIGHT)
Draw some separator lines to the bottom side of the selection.
void DecorateCellsAlternateRow(Decorator, int modulo=2, int shift=0)
Apply the decorator to the selection. This decorate only the corners modulo modulo with a shift of sh...
void BorderRight(BorderStyle border=LIGHT)
Draw some separator lines to the right side of the selection.
void Border(BorderStyle border=LIGHT)
Apply a border around the selection.
void SeparatorHorizontal(BorderStyle border=LIGHT)
Draw some horizontal separator lines in the selection.
Element Render()
Render the table.
Create an empty table.
TableSelection SelectCell(int column, int row)
Select a cell of the table.
TableSelection SelectColumn(int column_index)
Select a column of the table.
TableSelection SelectRow(int row_index)
Select a row of the table.
TableSelection SelectColumns(int column_min, int column_max)
Select a range of columns of the table.
TableSelection SelectRows(int row_min, int row_max)
Select a range of rows of the table.
TableSelection SelectAll()
Select all the table.
TableSelection SelectRectangle(int column_min, int column_max, int row_min, int row_max)
Select a rectangle of the table.
std::function< Element(Element)> Decorator
std::shared_ptr< Node > Element
std::shared_ptr< T > Make(Args &&... args)
Element border(Element)
Draw a border around the element.