FTXUI  5.0.0
C++ functional terminal UI.
// Copyright 2020 Arthur Sonzogni. All rights reserved.
// Use of this source code is governed by the MIT license that can be found in
// the LICENSE file.
#include <functional> // for function
#include <memory> // for shared_ptr, allocator, __shared_ptr_access
#include <string> // for string, basic_string
#include <vector> // for vector
#include "ftxui/component/captured_mouse.hpp" // for ftxui
#include "ftxui/component/component.hpp" // for Slider, Checkbox, Vertical, Renderer, Button, Input, Menu, Radiobox, Toggle
#include "ftxui/component/component_base.hpp" // for ComponentBase
#include "ftxui/component/screen_interactive.hpp" // for Component, ScreenInteractive
#include "ftxui/dom/elements.hpp" // for separator, operator|, Element, size, xflex, text, WIDTH, hbox, vbox, EQUAL, border, GREATER_THAN
using namespace ftxui;
// Display a component nicely with a title on the left.
Component Wrap(std::string name, Component component) {
return Renderer(component, [name, component] {
return hbox({
text(name) | size(WIDTH, EQUAL, 8),
component->Render() | xflex,
}) |
int main() {
// -- Menu
// ----------------------------------------------------------------------
const std::vector<std::string> menu_entries = {
"Menu 1",
"Menu 2",
"Menu 3",
"Menu 4",
int menu_selected = 0;
auto menu = Menu(&menu_entries, &menu_selected);
menu = Wrap("Menu", menu);
// -- Toggle------------------------------------------------------------------
int toggle_selected = 0;
std::vector<std::string> toggle_entries = {
auto toggle = Toggle(&toggle_entries, &toggle_selected);
toggle = Wrap("Toggle", toggle);
// -- Checkbox ---------------------------------------------------------------
bool checkbox_1_selected = false;
bool checkbox_2_selected = false;
bool checkbox_3_selected = false;
bool checkbox_4_selected = false;
auto checkboxes = Container::Vertical({
Checkbox("checkbox1", &checkbox_1_selected),
Checkbox("checkbox2", &checkbox_2_selected),
Checkbox("checkbox3", &checkbox_3_selected),
Checkbox("checkbox4", &checkbox_4_selected),
checkboxes = Wrap("Checkbox", checkboxes);
// -- Radiobox ---------------------------------------------------------------
int radiobox_selected = 0;
std::vector<std::string> radiobox_entries = {
"Radiobox 1",
"Radiobox 2",
"Radiobox 3",
"Radiobox 4",
auto radiobox = Radiobox(&radiobox_entries, &radiobox_selected);
radiobox = Wrap("Radiobox", radiobox);
// -- Input ------------------------------------------------------------------
std::string input_label;
auto input = Input(&input_label, "placeholder");
input = Wrap("Input", input);
// -- Button -----------------------------------------------------------------
std::string button_label = "Quit";
std::function<void()> on_button_clicked_;
auto button = Button(&button_label, screen.ExitLoopClosure());
button = Wrap("Button", button);
// -- Slider -----------------------------------------------------------------
int slider_value_1 = 12;
int slider_value_2 = 56;
int slider_value_3 = 128;
auto sliders = Container::Vertical({
Slider("R:", &slider_value_1, 0, 256, 1),
Slider("G:", &slider_value_2, 0, 256, 1),
Slider("B:", &slider_value_3, 0, 256, 1),
sliders = Wrap("Slider", sliders);
// -- Layout -----------------------------------------------------------------
auto layout = Container::Vertical({
auto component = Renderer(layout, [&] {
return vbox({
}) |
return 0;
static ScreenInteractive FitComponent()
Component Vertical(Components children)
A list of components, drawn one by one vertically and navigated vertically using up/down arrow key or...
Definition: container.cpp:316
Definition: elements.hpp:147
Element xflex(Element)
Expand/Minimize if possible/needed on the X axis.
Definition: flex.cpp:128
Decorator size(WidthOrHeight, Constraint, int value)
Apply a constraint on the size of an element.
Definition: size.cpp:89
Component Menu(MenuOption options)
A list of text. The focused element is selected.
Definition: menu.cpp:512
std::shared_ptr< ComponentBase > Component
Component Toggle(ConstStringListRef entries, int *selected)
An horizontal list of elements. The user can navigate through them.
Definition: menu.cpp:554
Component Radiobox(RadioboxOption options)
A list of element, where only one can be selected.
Definition: radiobox.cpp:205
Component Button(ButtonOption options)
Draw a button. Execute a function when clicked.
Definition: button.cpp:174
Component Renderer(Component child, std::function< Element()>)
Return a new Component, similar to |child|, but using |render| as the Component::Render() event.
Definition: renderer.cpp:61
Element hbox(Elements)
A container displaying elements horizontally one by one.
Definition: hbox.cpp:83
Element text(std::wstring text)
Display a piece of unicode text.
Definition: text.cpp:119
Component Input(InputOption options={})
An input box for editing text.
Definition: input.cpp:574
Component Slider(SliderOption< T > options)
A slider in any direction.
Definition: slider.cpp:346
Element separator()
Draw a vertical or horizontal separation in between two other elements.
Definition: separator.cpp:134
Definition: elements.hpp:148
Definition: elements.hpp:148
Component Checkbox(CheckboxOption options)
Draw checkable element.
Definition: checkbox.cpp:108
Element border(Element)
Draw a border around the element.
Definition: border.cpp:228
Element vbox(Elements)
A container displaying elements vertically one by one.
Definition: vbox.cpp:83